Like no proper post since so long ago! :/
So yep, first thing, exams are officially over.
13 Oct marks the end of eoy and the start of going on dates.
Have been enjoying since. (updates! :))
13 October, Tuesday.

Cuz most of the qn are on chap 6, 7, 8 and 9.
(Apparently, I had only studied these chaps!)
So, manageable! :P
After that, went movie with xiaoning! ^^
Took train to orchard and walked to Shaw House.
Lolll, xn forgot how to walk there so like, we were kept looking at signboards.
Zz, we got out of the station and saw Shaw House! :P
K, xn said there's supposed to be a traffic light.
BUTTT, it's gone! So we walked one big round to get there. :/
Okay, I was so kuku, I kept looking out for shortcuts to get there!
Watched 500 days of summer.
Nice movie :) The ending was nice too :)
"Hii, I'm Autumn." If you haven't watch, you won't get it.
SOOOOOO, watch it :) Nice ^^
Anyway, we brought mac in to eat!
Gagah :/ F A T S ): Okay, despite me being so fat, it was very cold inside!
Heh, we shared my class jacket, it's like two in a jacket.
How loving rightzx! (Are you jealous, hah?)
Am gna watch Jennifer's Body and Love Happens with her too :)
I love my banehneh! :)
After movie, headed to nicholas' house.
Played like crazy, was damn fun! ^^
Homed at 7:30pm.
14 October, Wednesday.
Xadels' outing. Met at yck, 12 noon. I was late -.-
All of us wore Black and White. How cool! Never discuss one k! :)
Anyway, had lunched at SeoulGarden.
Fun ttm ^^ Missed yiyuan..
..cos she didn't manage to join us at Seoul to witness the atrocity which stomped across our raw eyes like South Africa just set loose elephants... Four thighs, humongous like nothing... (Clique joke, don't feel obliged to understand.) Oh my, I swear, what a sight.
(Quote from xy's blog, I'm too lazy to type.)
I shall not be ashamed to reveal some of our bimbotic topics in Seoul...
Okay xiaoning spotted this cute guy in the white shirt, directly opposite our table, sitting at the extreme left of his table. And of course the message passed around the clique peacefully till xuting the xut insensitively turned around and stared straight into his face and we all freaked out. But because the direction she was staring towards was also the icecream area....
Xuting: Huh, which one which one? Which flavour ice cream nice ah?
Xiaoning: uh, the tub right, uhm most left one!
Clique: Ya ya ya, eh quite nice leh..
Xiaoye: Oh oh, you mean the vanilla flavour one?
Xiaoning: ya ya ya!! most left in the tub, vanilla one!
Obviously, we weren't literally refering to the damn icecream. Slap yourself if you don't understand, lol!Icecream (the guy) Most left in the tub (sitting at the extreme left of the table) Vanilla-flavoured (in white tee.) HAHAHAHAHAH.
Eunice: Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, icecream?(*JOKE)
Amadea freaking bought a Nine West bag.
Okay, we (plus an Angmoh) chose it for her.
She's so not gna regret buying that bag ^^
She said that the bag will be her fav till she gets her Chanel.
Can't believe it. Oh, whateverrrrrr.
Met yiyuan at yck mrt after her piano, five plus.
SHE WORE GREEEEEN. Damn, so she wore our class jacket!
Lolllll, fyi, the class jacket is black in colour.
Yay, she blends in :)
So, headed to Tricia's house.
That's cool, cuz our schl people inside can see us ^^
"Wah, their clique very cool hoh?" Duh, obviously.
One day aint enough! :)
15 October, Thursday.
Gym and swimming at Tricia's again.
HAHAAAA, once in a while, cuz we're not fattt. (yeah, xadels'?)
This time round, Eunice and Yiyuan didn't join us.
Awwww ): They missed out lotsa fun ahh!
Had movie at Tricia's too! :)
Watched The Covenant. GOT CUTE GUY!
Squeezed on the sofa, had noodles, pizza and honeydew.
Cosy cosy! ^^ Can we do this every week? Heh.
Xiaoye: Nxt time we buy one big house thn live together lah.
Soocheen: Thn when you marry, your husband live in the drain uh?
Lolllll, we were going gaga over Steven Strait almost throughout the movie.
Xiaoye was being so kisiao! :V
She kept screaming or whining, whatever you call that.
She kept saying that the girl in the movie cannot kiss him.
Wtheckkkk right, thn there's this saddist guy in the movie kissed him too.
Xiaoye totally went out of her mind and said that it was impossible.
Heh, aiyah, the whole point is:
She said she's the only one who can kiss him.
Crap manzx, seriously. At the start of the movie:
Xiaoye: Eh, you pass me my bag leh. Later I won't talk already.
Clique: Sure uh? (Passes her bag to her.)
...Steven Strait, Steven Strait, Steven Strait...
(Xiaoye just kept on ranting.)
Wtheckkkkk. Lolllll, but cute :) Uh no, I hope she doesn't see this. :P
After the movie we all left.
1. Limin's meeting her friend (like always, with the usual one.)
2. Amadea's having tuition @ 5.
3. Xiaoning wna watch The Fame.
4. Tricia went to watch The Fame with xn.
It was raining heavily uh. So, in the end:
(Limin went to meet her friend, Xn and T went for movie.)
(Can you see our thigh muscle? Please say no.)
Look at Florence Fong. Oh pleaseee!
Bookworm uh! Lolll, I still rmb our sec 1 times.
Xadelstfy belong together, hoho!
Years down the road, things will change, but our friendship will stay.
16 October, Friday.
Nothing much, Sihui's bday.
Prepared a present specaially for her, scared her to almost-death.
Cool ttm ^^ Yeah manzx, I hope she doesn't baochou on my bday!
Got back results, all were crap except for chem.
Had Gb after that, yadah yadah yadah.
17 October, Saturday.
(No gym with Flor cuz I'm having fluuu! :/ )
18 October, Sunday.
Work work work.
I'm having my orange braces now :)
My teeth are getting straighter, yay.
I think I smile like a mickey mouse -.- (wtheckkkk.)
That's all, I don't have much to post about.
P/s I'm meeting Chanleechien on Thursday ^^